Saturday, February 23, 2008

My First Trial

I thought I was going to have my first solo trial last week. I was prepared... perhaps over prepped. I had a client charged with sexual battery by a scorned woman. It would have been a bad case if you had believed her, but she was a little crazy (or a lot) and we had some good impeachment evidence. I was at work all weekend, and Monday was a holiday, so that was a full day at the office by myself.

Tuesday morning rolled around and I was sitting at the defense table with all my stuff spread out (I was first to the courtroom to settle into my war room cockpit). The prosecutor rolled in and said, "You ready to throw in the towel yet?" I responded in kind, and we had a good fake laugh together. He circled his table for a total of four or five seconds and said, "How about 24 hours on Disorderly Conduct?" I guess all my prep work paid off or something. Maybe I looked pretty confident and he didn't want to put up his witness. Maybe he got as newvious as I felt, but cracked first. I didn't know at the time. He told the judge that he didn't think the witness would hold up under cross exam and she said, "You mean the scathing cross that 'PD-Jay' was going to effect on her?" I'll take that little joke of a compliment thank you.

So, this coming Monday I have yet another sexual battery to try! This time the victim is missing though, so I doubt that it will go anywhere.

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