Monday, April 20, 2009

Pro Motion III

I'm no longer a supervisor. I'm not going to be spending my days helping out all the new attorneys in State Court. I have been moved to Superior Court Attorney.

It's strange, I was in my current position for 3 months. I was thinking that it was going to be closer to a year here. But, when the bosses say to move, you move. Here, Superior Court means any felonies that end up in your trial courtroom. So, I've moved on from DUI and Criminal Trespass and I'll have everything from Forgery and Burglary to Murder and Armed Robbery. My last employer had me in a similar courtroom, and it went fine I guess. So, I'm prettty sure I'm ready to tackle this new placement. I was sort of getting used to life as a supervisor though. This might cut down on my coffee runs!

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