Tuesday, February 17, 2009


I'm now a supervisor. I don't know if I should celebrate or not. For the past several weeks I've been training the new attorneys who are each in a trial courtroom for the first time. It's actually been pretty fun. I like the educational and training stuff a lot. It has been a bit stressfull trying to get them all ready for their own case loads, but I think they're all ready. Today is a first trial calendar for one of them. I'm so proud! I'm on call in case she freaks out, but I think she'll do fine.

My duties have shifted away from my own trials as well. I am now assigned to more than one diversion court, including one for DUI cases. I've never been able to sit in on a treatment court before, and so far so good. It is encouraging to see a judge in such a positive role with defendants.

If only my new job came with a raise!

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