Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Criminal Defense Blogs

There's currently a compilation of some Public Defender blogs over at Gideon's webpage (also listed in the links of this blog). It is a pretty big list of blogs, and often there are snippets and samples from a lot of them. This blog is currently not listed there, but I hope to make the cut soon!!

Along a similar line, Jaime, a criminal defense lawyer from Austin, is putting together a list of criminal law related blogs. You can find it here.

I've submitted this blog, maybe it will get noticed? Jaime's idea may turn into a good place to check for criminal law blog updates from around the country, sort of like Gideon's tracking of the Public Defender blog world.


moi said...

PD-Jay! Sorry I missed this post. I'll add you to the list at PD Stuff and at my main blog, "a public defender". Welcome to the blawgosphere!

Unknown said...

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